Chinese Junuiper (Simpaku)
・resists heat and cold
・likes water and fertilizers
・grows slowly.
・do not need that much care
・easy to train.
・Suitable for both mini-bonsai and bigger bonsai
Japanese white pine (Goyoumatsu)
・resists heat and cold
・Slow growth
・Easy to maintenance
・likes sunshine
・do not need water as much as others

Japanese black pine (Kuromatsu)
・resists heat and cold ・manly appearance ・easy to maintenance

Cedar (Sugi )
・usually grows up-straight
・easy to shape
・colors of leaves changes
・do not resist dryness
Maple (Kaede / Momiji )
・beautiful red leaves
・also green leaves are charming
・easy to train
・leaves color changes
・likes water
・needs some care
・resists cold
・strong tree
・easy to maintenance
・beautiful flower